We had a mic failure on the way to San Francisco which was sending out Distress signals causing the US Coast Guard to contact us wondering what was going on. This was solved by unplugging the mic and replacing it. In Banderas Bay how ever our EPIRB decided that we were in imminent danger and was turning on, then off, then on …. This engaged the full Canadian Joint Rescue Coordination Centre which manages rescues of Canadian Vessels world wide. Lucky our Winlink map on our website had us pegged at anchor in Punta Mita which would be an odd place to set off an EPIRB – we could swim ashore if we had too – so the the Mexican Navy was put on stand-by while they contacted us and we figured out what was going on. Josh sitting in companionway saw the errant EPIRB go off, flashing lights again, so with screw driver in had we took the unit apart to unplug it. The whole event was a little stressful but it is good to know that if we were really in danger, the rescue network really works! Mark and Dee from the catamaran, Speakeasy, were traveling back to Victoria so they offered to return the faulty unit. Kannad the manufacturer decided to replace the unit in time for the Speakeasy crew to bring us the new unit, so all will end well!