Monthly Archives: March 2016

Back to Jedediah

On Jedediah Island

On Jedediah Island

Map of Lasquiti With sky’s lifting we headed to Jedediah Island one of our favourite local spots on the coast.  Tucked into our spot on the NW side of the island we were so happy to see Ian and Sandy Mackenzie on Sombrio in our neighbourhood.  It had been years since meeting each other and although they only had one evening it was wonderful to catch up on all our adventures. The weather continued to be warm, with the hint of forest fires lingering in the air we enjoyed a few days hiking and swimming (burrr) trying not to think to much returning to work.n After waving good buy to Ian and Sandy the next destination was a short stop in Comox to regroup and do a little basic maintenance on Adesso.   I thought we could wash the boat as well but due to the long hot weather water restrictions Adesso would have to keep the salt crust for a while longer.  It was great to reconnect with a few locals in-between boat projects, but our plans was to make a quick exit and head north wit our friends Glenn and Ashey for a few days in the Octopus Island.

Bob and Barb enjoying and evening with us.

Bob and Barb enjoying and evening with us.