Needing a break from the working world we decided to make the dash to Desolation
Sound for a three day weekend. Leaving late Friday afternoon Adesso got to stretch her wings across the Salish Sea (Strait of Georga) with 15 to 20 knots blowing from the south east! This put us almost hard on the wind for most of the 20 mile crossing and with full sail she was clocking 9 kt SOG. The plan was to spend a night in the Copeland Islands and then on to Unwin Lake area for a day relaxing! Being a long weekend there were a few boats around the Copeland’s but our favorite anchorage at Unwin was to ourselves. The anchorage we call Buddha Bay is named because a boater has concreted a “Laughing Buddha” statue in the granite wall above. It is in the picture below, see if you can find it! We had a sunny warm day to enjoy this beautiful spot and had our first lake swim of the year to top it off!. The return on Sunday was windless so the engine did all the work. A little excitement was caused by our engine overheating which turned out to be a faulty thermostat. Another part of the steep learning curve of owning a new boat. I”m now learning all about the Yanmar 4JH2-HTE!