Leaving San Francisco

The last week in the Bay included;


Picked up parts for the Yanmar, parts for the hot water tank, new cockpit mic, laundry, pump out the holding tank, meet fellow Blue Water cruisers then off to Treasure Island to watch Fleet Week air show, and Navy ships.  ( saw the Canadian Navy here!! )

Treasure Island

A nice anchorage if you don’t mind that it is under the Bay bridge and the fact that you need a mid to high tide for our 6 foot draft to get over the bar at the entrance.  It was not as noisy as we thought but alas we are in the middle of San Francisco.  Treasure island was interesting, it was built for the site of the Worlds Exposition and Fair in the twenties, has had a couple of lives since then but now its mostly shut up with a little low cost housing. Its like walking around a deserted ghost town, a place who’s day has come and gone.  We sat on the beach and watched the Blue Angels streak around the Bay – quite a show and very loud when they pass over!!  We took some pictures but the iPhone just doesn’t quite do it, sigh.


Micheal a fellow Passport’er had offered up his slip at the Corinthian Yacht Club because his boat was not in the Bay at the time.  The Corinthian is one of the two original yacht clubs in the Bay area, established in 1886.  It was very cool to be staying in a place that had so much history.  People were interested in us as travellers, the club house was beautiful, the town of Tiberon very cute and special thanks to Liddy and Bill who drove us to Costco for food and Alameda  to replace our fresh water pump that had lost its brain ( under warranty thankfully ).

We were feeling like it was time to pass under the Golden Gate one more time and head down the coast.  Watered, food stocks high we headed to Half Moon Bay a short day sail away.  We loved our time in the Bay, and seeing it from the water is something we will never forget.

1 thought on “Leaving San Francisco

  1. glenn procter

    Hi guys sounds like the adventure continues we are sure looking forward to catching up to you guys in Mexico love glenn and asheya

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