First Thoughts

I put a category on the website call Perspectives because  I thought there would be all this time to meditate on life as we drifted down the coast on Adesso.  Quite the opposite has been my experience, not that I don’t have daily surprises, thoughts, even preponderance’s but to have time to put that to “web” (that would be pen in the olden days) – well only if I were to forgo sleep.  So this is my first (short) perspective. Every day is full of the new, vignettes stand out but in truth just a stream of images, thoughts, which upon reflection are associated with me but actually are experienced more like a dream with “me” in it.  The new is more overwhelming and varied than “I” can imagine.  Yesterday we sailed into the land of sea otters, humpbacks passed , even an orca swam beside us as we motored into Monterey; who’s shores are painted with “us”.  I remember walking in the Banking district downtown San Francisco and pass, along with everyone else, an unconscious  homeless man sprawled in the middle of the sidewalk ; could have been dead for all I know; and a stream of humanity moved by, in a different world.  I wonder how much of life is lived in a different world.

Our world.

Our world.

First thoughts are:  how lucky and thankful I am to have followed the fork in the road sending us off on the Adesso Adventure. That adventure is a story that can only be lived.

2 thoughts on “First Thoughts

  1. glenn

    Sound interesting, exciting and fantastical wish we were there, continue with the great adventure guys , missing you from rainy, windy cool comox. Glenn & Asheya

  2. Al Leavitt

    hi guys,
    It’s been great fun tracking your journey south. I was relieved when you guys made your way out of the delta and back into S.F. bay. Your locator showed you sitting in Potato Slough for 3 or 4 days and I feared that you had found a mudbar. Each stop that you make seemed to dredge up fond memory’s. My folks met on Treasure island and around the corner from where you’re anchored is Anacapa island, one of my favorite places to dive as a kid. You will have lots of tales to tell. Travel safely, Al

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