Cortes for the Weekend


On Hubert and Wendy’s mooring in the Gorge.

Well its not often that we would head off to a destination 30 nm away for the weekend but our good  friends and neighbours for many years the Calino’s were leaving Cortes Island and throwing a party!   Lucky for us Friday after work delivered  15 to 20 knot of wind going in the direction we were going!  By 8:30 pm we were tied up to Hubert and Wendy’s mooring in Gorge Harbour just in time for a late dinner and libation!  Saturday was sunny and glorious  with so much visiting old freinds  that spilled over onto waterfront decks at happy hour.  Cortes Island has such a great community and is surrounded by one of the great cruising grounds of the world ( in my opinion of course)!  Fathers day pancakes followed Sunday am and off to Comox but today the Yanmar did the heavy pushing.  Still a beautiful trip that ended with salmon BBQ on our boat.  Whew, my cheeks were worn out from smiling. We appreciate so much, Adesso, the friends and the water born life we have the opportunity to experience.

A view down Gorge Harbour .

A view down Gorge Harbour .