San Juanico

San Juanico anchorage

San Juanico anchorage

San Juanico was to be the furthest north into the sea we would go and the plan was to spend a little more time here and explore the area a little more deeply.  We we’re happy to see numerous boats that had befriended us south in the Melaque area.  We had beach fires, Botchi ball on the beach in the afternoons, and happy hour get togethers.  This was a great place to be for the Mexican holiday Samana Santa, numerous families made the trek to the beach and the late night parties were not overwhelming.  Josh was befriended by a couple on a Hatteras style fishing boat that was using San Juanico as a fishing base.  He learned about how to catch fish now that they were deeper and he and I did do a dinghy trip out a couple of miles to a reef but to no avail.  They took pity on Josh and gave him one of their Yellowtail catch for the day, very tasty.  Sue and I spend many hours hiking the hills, swimming and reading.  Here she finally got serious about writing a book about her Successful Learners  so every day for an hours or so she would hide with her computer and write away.  Even Josh enjoyed some of this down time, from doing homework that is, and would hang listening to music.  Alas the time came for us to turn around and head to La Paz.  From here on we are on the way back to Canada which is  bitter-sweet , we will miss the this part of the world and the adventure it represents but our community in Pacific Northwest will be great to connect with again.  Of course there is the getting home part which will be a whole different kind of adventure!

Josh enjoying tech time!

Josh enjoying tech time!

Very tasty!!!

Very tasty!!!