Puerto Escondito

Puerto Escondito is a little unusual because a large part of the harbour is occupied by an unfinished Fonatur Marina and the outside anchoring area run by API is packed with boats at anchor.  Some of these boats at anchor looked like they had not moved in years!  After chatting up some of the locals we found out that the harbour was a major cruising hangout until Fonatur moved in and started charging to anchor, causing the crowd out in the “Waiting Room” as it was dubbed.  Some of those we talked to had been their for 20 years or more!!!!!  We opted to pay for a mooring and do laundry, internet …   The highlight of our stay was the hike up Steinbeck canyon behind marina.  The hike was stunningly beautiful, lots of bordering, fresh water creek, bird and bees.  We meet a family who befriended us and we went with them into Loretto looking for burgers at the famous “ Saloon”, we had to settle for a restaurant on the water because the The Saloon was closed.  We need groceries and after seeing they lay of the land we decided to stop at Lorreto on our way to Coronado Island to shop. This is  an open roadstead anchorage so you have to be ready to leave if the wind comes up.  Loretto is has one of the oldest Missions on the west coast and is a very clean pretty town with tree lined cobble stone street and a pleasant pace of life.