Adesso came with 2 stainless 60 LB CQR anchors. The CQR is an example of good anchor technology of the past and decided to give it a try before considering a replacement. The main point here is an anchor is a small investment compared to the boat and more importantly we have to trust it. During our first months cruising in the Pacific Northwest it was decided to replace the CQR. Slow to set, awkward to bring into the bow roller were the main reasons. My first sail boat had a “Bruce” which was a great anchor with the exception of not setting well min kelp or ell grass and occasionally would pick up a bolder resulting in its inability to set at all until it was removed. “Indigo” our last boat had an early generation Rocna that we were very happy with, excellent holding, positive setter and excellent at resetting in a wind shift. It so happened that Practical Sailor was reviewing anchors from a number of different points of view this spring which helped us greatly in making a choice for Adesso. One of the first factors was that roll bar anchors were a questionable fit because of the Passport bulwarks and stainless roller configuration. To top this off the “Spade” anchor was getting top ratings with Practical Sailor, and I was told its geometry was very similar to the CQR. So the “Spade” it was! This was a fantastic choice not only does it fit and look great on the Passport it is surpassing our experience with the Rocna. The curved anchor shaft makes for smooth release and return, it sets every bit as well an the Rocna did even in grassy bottom and though we have not experienced a big wind shift yet Practical Sailor test had this anchor at the top of that list. We love our new Spade!