Hot Springs Cove

Hot springs Cove

Walking the board walk to the hot springs

We had confused seas around Estevan Point and then a run into Hot Springs Cove.  Surprisingly we shared the anchorage with only two other boats and after 7:00 pm all the daytime people had left.  We had the evenings to ourselves, warm spring water, beautiful sky, a whale and its calf hanging out in front of the spring, eagles flying overhead, need I say more.   My aging bones truly loved this stop.  The next few stops were Matilda Cove and a hike to White Sand beach, Tofino for dinner, Ucluelet to do laundry and restock the cupboard a little and walk the trail around Amphitrite Point, then off into the Broken Group for a couple of days. One theme that started once we rounded  Estevan was fog, at times very thick, the radar came in handy!  Also the temperature dropped  – burr almost had to find the woolies.

Hot springs cove

View of the sky fromthe hot springs.