After leaving our old and new friends on Prevost Island we sailed off to clear into the US. SE 15-20 had us with one reef in the main , hard on the wind doing 8 knots + !! After beating up Haro straight, finding all the weak stowage spots, Roche Harbour was chosen as our point of entry into the United States. The customs dock was VERY busy, OOPS, the last day of a long weekend might not have been the best choice of days to clear in. Customs was jammed up with boats with out proper paperwork … but after an hour of waiting for all the computer work to be done, we received a 1 year cruising permit for the US. Yeah!!
Exciting times for you guys go adesso go!!
So glad to hear the lines are cast and the sails are set for the lower lattitudes. We will have a ceremony for the full moon tomarrow nite and I will be thinking of y’all as we gather. Wishing y’all fair winds and wonderful adventures!! See you in Central America perhaps. One Love Tony